Meeting Minutes
[2 August 1946]
On Aug. 2, 1946 shortly after the arrival of Brother Karl [Karl Germer] and Sascha [Sascha Germer], a meeting of Agape Lodge was held at the Burlingame [Ray and Mildred] residence. The minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The Treasurer's report was then read.
Brother Roy [Roy Leffingwell] brought up the question whether or not we should use the initiation fees and dues as listed in the Blue Equinox [Equinox Vol. III, No. 1] or adhere to the increased ones set up locally under the previous leadership. Brother Karl stated he wanted to take the matter up with Baphomet for a decision on this as he felt they should be the same in this country as in England and elsewhere.
Brother Roy next informed the Lodge members that they were thinking of selling the ranch, it being an ideal time with property bringing such good prices, and the funds would be used for the publications. That portion of the ranch which is not good for farming purposes could be retained so that if in the future we wanted to build on it, same would be available.
He then turned the chair over to Brother Karl who in turn read to us some very interesting portions of letters he had recently received. One from Brother Frederick [Frederic Mellinger] setting forth the difficulties encountered with the printing problems in Hastings. The high lights of Brother Germer's talk were:
(1) That the printing program included Olla which should be ready by now and that Liber Aleph is next. Also that the 50 or more Informal Letters [Magick Without Tears] would make a very useful and helpful contribution.
(2) That the latest report on Baphomet's health, which we were all sorry to hear, was none too good.
(3) That Grand Lodge had been more or less dissatisfied with the progress of Agape Lodge for the past few years, the biggest stumbling block being the license taken with the sex question, pointing out that no one portion of the teachings should be stressed but that balance along all lines should be the goal.
(4) That Brother Grady [Grady McMurtry] is expected down here shortly and that Baphomet had conferred on him special authority for California, subject to Brother Karl's approval.
(5) He than confirmed the fact that Brother Roy was to continue on as the Lodge head despite any conflicting rumors of it being a temporary arrangement.
Brother Karl brought out some interesting facts on the scope of the lodge work, saying that activity in Germany is rather crippled at present, but promising. We all enjoyed his message immensely and were loathe to have him stop.
Brother Roy then took over and the meeting was formally closed.
Following this we all joined in a delicious snack and were so interested in meeting and talking with Sascha and Karl that it was rather late when we finally departed.
cc: A.C. K.G.