Meeting Minutes

Agape Lodge





[14 August 1946]



Special meeting called Aug. 14, 1946. Short business meeting of members preceded Brother Karl's [Karl Germer] talk. No minutes read. Brother Roy [Roy Leffingwell] wished to go on record by emphatically stating from this time forward the injunction stands that anyone in the order who contacts W.T. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] without direct permission from Grand Lodge will be expelled from Agape Lodge and must be reinstated by Grand Lodge.


Brother McMurtry [Grady McMurtry] then took over, stating they had a meeting with Brother Jack [Jack Parsons] which they thought at the time had been very satisfactory, but it had later developed it was not as satisfactory as they had hoped for. He then spoke of the authority he had received from Baphomet in Hastings which he read; for clarification he informed us he believed the reason this authority had been given him was (1) he was the last to have been in direct contact with Aleister Crowley; (2) the latter placed a great deal of hope in men who had military training, also that he was interested in Brother Grady's poetry; (3) this probably had a great deal to do with the symbol he had chosen before he was acquainted with the Order, as it seemed to tie in with the works of the Order. He wished to make clear on his part that Brother Roy was head of Agape Lodge without qualifications. This authority was given him during a crisis but did not conflict with Brother Roy's of Agape Lodge.


Brother Roy resumed, bringing up the subject of the list of books for sale from Brother Jack's private collection which included the unpublished manuscripts of Liber Aleph and The Tao Teh King, stating this was a dangerous, illegal thing to do and that he and Brother Karl would contact him immediately re: this. The meeting was then closed.


Following this Brother Karl gave a very constructive, enlightening talk to members and others on Liber 65 covering the first three chapters. The last two chapters were resumed on August 16.







