Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to John Symonds
5 Sept [1946]
Dear John Symonds
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of N[o] D[ate]. Idea excellent; but remember official date publ[icatio]n Sept 23 [for Olla].
Here is Wisdom. It is the worst possible start for a partnership unless one trusts the other 100% I should say inevitably fatal.
This point ought to be fought out now: if not, small squabbles grow big, and soon one has a first class rumpus, whose repercussions may go on for years.
Thanks for inquiries: Dr says I'm quite well; the recent bust up seems to have been an accident. Eyes quite o.k. so far, despite moderate resumption of smoking: I went through those proofs without distress and much care.
The printer needs a swift kick; we must have proof of binding this week or so. I'm phoning him this A.M.
93 93/93
Aleister Crowley.
P.S. Louis Wilkinson is close to you at 107 Eyre Court N W 3. It might help for you to know him.