Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to John Symonds
Sept 12 [1946]
Dear John Symonds.
Thanks for your latest.
I think "road-hog" should settle all the satisfaction of both, because it removes the whole point at issue.
(Unless you want to erect a kind of mixed syllogism.
All Jews are hogs.
All hogs should be made into pork.
Therefore any reference to a hog is an advocacy of the massacre of millions of innocent people!)
To replace the whole poem would involve trouble, and expense which I cannot afford. So I do hope you're happy now! If not, please wire, as the printer must have the book for press at once.
93 93/93.
Yours ever.
Aleister Crowley.
P.S. I have pointed out that the Great Men of Science who are responsible for this age are (or were) all Jews: Einstein, Hertz, Freud, the Syphilis man—I can't think of his name: etc.