Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
Louis Wilkinson Grove Heart Ripley Surrey
Sept 15 1946
Dear Louis
Quite anxious and very wretched at not hearing from you.
What of spending Equinox here? 23rd inst.
One very bright spot in life. I had given Mrs. Symonds [Ellen Symonds] & her ma a lift back from the Front; later, mentioned my birthday, asked hers. Dec 30. She didn’t know the hour. So as to have it in writing that I could tell her rising sign I sent a note down on my supper-tray: “Mrs Symonds Midnight within an hour one day or the other.” That spiteful old hag Miss Clark saw this, and took it very mysteriously to Vernon [Vernon Symonds] “I think you ought to know what’s going on, sir!” Thought it was an assignation!!! Do wake up & shine, Lord God, arise and shine!