Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to John Symonds
3 Oct [1946]
Dear John Symonds.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Sorry for delay in answering yours, but it seemed n[o] g[ood] until I had fixed finally with printer.
There are 128 pp. some in cloth as sample herewith, some in similar, but green. There will be 500 copies [of Olla]. Format 4 to, very noble, obliges me to raise price to 15/- net.
I think Atlantis [bookshop] might take a block of 250-300 if we gave him an extra 1/- or 1/6 (I discussed this with his [Michael Juste's] wife here on the earlier basis; so my figures are all wrong).
There are 20 copies "for the author and his friends and helpers" on paper like Book of Thoth—bound that way too if possible—a few to sell at 10 gs.
Date of publ[icatio]n Dec 22 10.54 A.M. You should get your lot Nov 22 if possible.
I am attending to the mimeo 50 for reviewers—I think that's all; but my brain has gone on strike.
Thanks for Suzi Digest Cable etc.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours, at the last gasp,
Aleister Crowley.