Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
Castle Hotel Breem S. Wales
Do you know the Tibetan Bardo Book of the Dead. What about it.
Nov 13th 1946
My dearest Aleister,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law—
I have been wanting to write to you but I have been so busy. Also I did hope when I was in London to come down and see you, but I hate that journey, if you were not at the end of it, could never force myself into the train. Next time I mean to arrange to stay a few days there is so much in the back of my mind, I should like to ask you about but tonight, 12.45 I have nothing to say. I have sorted out my goods and sent some to London and I suppose I shall return to 3 Devonshire Lane. But I am happy here and enjoy my attic and no household bothers and the lovely country. Have you any plans or are you staying at Hastings. It seems impossible to go anywhere or move at all except out of England and things . . .