Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer






[16 December 1946]



I particularly ask you to notice that none of the mystics of the Middle Ages—even handicapped as they were by the sense or sin—ever suggested anything of the sort as is covered by such terms as Vampirism and Hypnotism. The important thing is to keep your own mind serene and pure; a constant flame of aspiration to the Highest. Do not allow any thoughts of evil to contaminate this flame.


It follows that you should shun the company or people who believe in anything of the sort. By allowing them to stick to you, you are leaving a gap in the defenses or your aura. You might find it very effective, when anyone starts such a subject to rise and make the Banishing ritual of the Pentagram, using divine names in an incomprehensible tongue. See how quickly that will turn the tables on them! Meditate on this, and what is more, act on it.


