Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
The Ridge, Hastings.
Dear Jane,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Many thanks for the hankie, it is frightfully good of you—you might tell everybody however that I am pretty well supplied with these now.
I shall probably be able to find you a special copy for yourself of Olla, though I am not so frightfully keen on parting with them, because there are so few available in all. We had enough paper for 1000 copies, but in the octavo format they looked so skimpy that I thought we must have larger paper, so the only thing we could do was to double it. It has made certainly a very handsome volume, but of course it has halved the number available for the market. It is all an infernal nuisance.
When you get your copy you might tell Burlingame [Ray Burlingame] that the copy on special paper which I promised him on account of the misfortunes that happened to him about the Book of Thoth is not likely to be ready for another 3 months.
Love is the law, love under will.
I am very tired this afternoon, and not at all up to my usual form; the weather is most distressing and depressing. Excuse me then, if I break off somewhat suddenly.