Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to V. Simmons
[Mr. V. Simmons] [Findon, Worthing]
[7 January 1947]
I do not know anything about the Three Mothers, except an allusion to them by Mathers [MacGregor Mathers] in one of his bombastically mysterious moments.. I think it was one of his bluffs. I never saw any reference to them anywhere else, and finally I do not particularly believe in them. . . . I am not quite sure, as a matter of fact, what your difficulty is. I really think that we should get on a great deal faster if you could spare a day to run over here, which after all is not very far, and have lunch with me. Half-an-hour's face to face talk can usually clear up more than a year's correspondence. The food here is excellent, and I am terribly lonely, so I sincerely hope that you will be able to make it.