Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer





[13 March 1947]



M——— tells me Regardie [Israel Regardie] loves Aleister—I think that was the word she used—and that the break was caused by Regardie's stand that too frequently the occult was an escape mechanism and that the individual should be psychoanalysed before going into it.


This is Regardie's reason for asking F—— to give up ceremonial work until he has freed himself of his final blocks.


Regardie says he has a letter from Aleister, saying he let Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] go ahead too fast. As an illustration, I put down here one of the stories Regardie told the GiS.


He was 19 when he went to Europe, very green and utterly unsophisticated. He had been with Aleister possibly 2 days when he suggested Regardie and the Polish woman, then staying with Aleister, go out for dinner. They went to a cafe, and after dining and wining, the Polish lady said: "This is where I step out, and I want you to go back to Aleister and tell him so."


Regardie went back, was scared to go in, tramped around the block a few times, then fearfully went in to Aleister, waked him, and gave him the news. Aleister looked up, with one eye half-open and said, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away—blessed—be—the———" and went back to sleep.


