Correspondence from
Jane Wolfe
260 West 72nd Street
New York, N. Y.
March 26, 1947
Do what
thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Greeting of the Equinox of Spring!
A short while ago we had a long
letter from A.C. addressed to
Sascha [Sascha Germer] in which he gave some details about the
awful conditions he has had to live through the shortages of
coal etc. in England. I copied out some parts and asked
Max [Max Schneider] to pass them along to the members of the
Lodge [Agape
A few days ago I had a letter from
666 of which I'll make a few excerpts, because I know you
can understand and visualise more than anybody else from
things between the lines.
Summer Time begins: heavy snow
last night: 1/2 England flooded. . . . . . Electricity cuts
have made printing of any kind impossible.
Problem: can you get
Liber Aleph printed in U.S.A.? Local Estimate for
Liber Aleph complete about 250 pounds. . . . . .
For all that, I had a close shave
a week ago. Thus. The heat in my bedroom goes off at 9 A.M.
till noon. Hence I must be downstairs by fire before 9.
About 8:30 tried to get up and
take an injection to wake properly. Syringe got clogged;
fagged & went to sleep again—half dressed, half frozen by 11
A.M. Then my H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel] sent my hostess to ask about
lunch. I looked so ill it scared her, & she sent a man
across the road (all telephones up here are down) to fetch
my henchman. He pushed me into bed & got a hot water bottle;
then cleaned syringe & tramped a mile or more through deep
snow to get my doctor. Luckily he made the contact. When he
arrived he found my heart just ticking over. He gave me the
injection, and 2 minutes later I came round. Had he been 1/2
hour later, or if another doctor who didn't know what was
wanted, I should have been dead.
Moral: trust the H.G.A.
Please tell all the
BB [Blessed Brethren] & SS
this and ask them to write me, apologizing for not having
answered many letters. I will answer yours, too, as soon as
my secretary can resume her work.
The Spring Equinox Word [Word of the Equinox] has not yet come; I'll send it on
at once.
At the moment I am trying to get
Estimates from U.S.A. printers for Liber Aleph. What
I have got so far is very much higher than quotations from
England. And those consulted so far can't take the work
before the fall or next year. Does somebody know a printer
in California?—Please inform everybody concerned.
Love is the law, love under will.
Ever yours,
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