Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to John Symonds
The Ridge, HASTINGS.
24. 4. 47
Dear J.S.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
I was delighted to receive your letter with the enclosed copy of the Occult Review [with 3 1/2 pp. review of OLLA in the Occult Review - Spring 1947 - by Nicholas Sylvester]. It is indeed a treasure both for its depth of insight and its breadth of comprehension. I hope, incidentally, that it will result in selling a few copies.
I have been very anxious to see you for some time, just to discuss the policy of salesmanship which we ought to adopt. I do not see how we can settle anything by letter.
My first idea was to get some regular commercial traveller to put the book on his list and show it round the country, but this is perhaps impossible and anyway I should love to see you.
I am rather disappointed, by the way, that The Times Litt. supp. has not given us anything; they used to let me have quite a lot of space. I don't know whether you are in a position to give them a jog?
In haste,