Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Edward Noel Fitzgerald
25. 4. 47.
Dear Noel,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I was delighted to get yours and hasten to reply. I cannot see any difficulty at all about your coming to see me. Eastbourne is within 1/2 hour of Hastings and there are excellent trains. From Hastings Station you get a taxi and arrive here about 7 o'clock when they will give you some dinner and a room, provided you let me know in advance that you are coming.
I am so glad to hear that your asthma is letting up on you. I still have no trouble with it, but other matters rather bother me, and this frightful winter has decidedly done me down. In fact on March 8th. the doctor arrived just in time to save my life. Had he been 20 minutes later he would probably have found me dead. However, that was due to an accident: they had turned off my heating when I was half dressed and half asleep, and they forgot to turn it on and found me three parts frozen. Fortunately through the devotion of friends, a doctor was got here in time. I hope you will be able to manage Thursday.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours ever,
Aleister Crowley.