Meeting Minutes

Agape Lodge





Meeting of Agape Lodge, at Burlingame [Ray and Mildred Burlingame] Residence, April 25, 1947.



Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Brother Roy [Roy Leffingwell] read excerpts of letters from Brother Karl [Karl Germer], including information that the books of Olla had come through and they would be sold for 3.50 net with 1/3 off to dealers.


Next on the agenda was the joyful news that part of the ranch property (which had been dedicated to the Great Work back in 1940) had been sold. This is now going through escrow and should be completed in a week or so. Inasmuch as there had been a lien on the property, the best plan seemed to be to sell the 40 acres (which included the big house), take care of the indebtedness against the property, and retain the 120 acres across the road which will be clear of all encumbrances.* This parcel to be improved and developed for the furtherance of the Great Work. Anticipating the advent of our beloved Master Therion, Brother Roy stressed that plans for a place for him would come first.


Next item discussed was the Word [Word of the Equinox], Brother Roy stating it had been handled somewhat differently this time and had been sent to "the faithful and few" regardless of grade.


After designating the 9th and 23rd for the May meetings, Lodge was formally closed.


Gene Wood,





AC [Aleister Crowley]

KG [Karl Germer]

GM [Grady McMurtry]



* It is interesting to note that on this remaining portion is Temple Hill and the Book of the Law which Brother Roy pointed out was put there at the time of the dedication of the ranch back in 1940.



[O.T.O. Newsletter - Spring 1980]