Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
[Undated: circa mid-May 1947]
Rancho RoyAL: No, I have no opinion any more at all on the whole subject. I don't know what to think. I have written Roy [Roy Leffingwell] some letters, but he neither writes and so I have no information and no facts. When he wrote me he was going to develop the land across the road I thought he had the means to do it. I'm doubtful of this. I had asked him to send me the 'plans for the various buildings' he said were prepared. I did not get them. But Reea [Rhea Leffingwell] wrote me a few days ago, asking for my approval of the plan to sell the lower part with the house the Soule's built as a small ranch and keep the Temple Hill, etc. After confirming my approval, I get a postcard this morning that it was all a mistake. Now I don't know anything. What is the good of my thinking anything if things I am made to expect don't happen, or if I don't get the facts by which I alone. can judge?
NO: I never thought some or all of the members of the Lodge [Agape Lodge] should live permanently at the ranch. I am inclined to think that my supersensitive soul had for a time picked up some of Roy's dream images. But when I discovered the facts about the ranch, I saw matters differently. I wrote Roy April 24 giving as my considered judgment 2 alternatives:—
1. to rough it on. the remaining 'barren land' and if Harold and Ruthie insisted on their 5000 turkey scheme, to use the profits to recuperate the financial straits and help the G.W. [Great Work].
2. to drop the whole rancho plan and make everyone take a job and work on their own, where I saw more satisfaction and more prosperity for every single soul concerned.
3. In case of plan: (1) I agreed that the net surplus from the sale of the ranch, which I was led to believe ought to be about $500 or so, be sunk in that venture and the G.W. participate in the profit.
Now, I don't know what is happening, or if anything is happening at all. I am seriously getting annoyed. I don't think it is fair to treat me like that.