Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to David Curwen





The Ridge,




23rd May, 1947



Dear Brother,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your letter has really gone far to melt my hard heart: for one thing it has set my mind completely at rest because from what you say, it is quite evident that if you fail altogether to understand the significance of the secret imparted to you. How you could have misunderstood to that extent, I simply don't know.


Please get it out of your head that you have been in any way "had." It is a very real secret and it does work when you use it right. I have found it extremely satisfactory, not only for matters of health, but for questions of real estate and the like.


With regard to you skepticism about the Sovereign Sanctuary, I am simply astounded when I consider the mass of evidence that you already possess. I wonder if the enclosed will help you a step further. Besides all this a lodge of the O.T.O. will be opened in the neighbourhood of London within the course of the next month or two. I should be very pleased to introduce you to the Master [Gerald Gardner] of the lodge—or rather camp—and you will allow me to express the hope that you may help in the working of the rituals: but, of course you must first put yourself in good standing. You gave me your word of honour, and I on my side promised that I would not bag you. If you had simply said that you were very sorry but at the moment things were very bad in business, and that you would put things right as soon as they improved, I should have been perfectly satisfied; but as long as you maintain the attitude of Sadducees I am rather "tied by the leg."


You close your letter by saying that you would do anything to help me at any time, so you mustn't mind if I point out, firstly that I am not asking for help but for the discharge of a debt of honour, and secondly, that that time is this time.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,


