Correspondence from Gene Wood to Grady McMurtry
1336 No. New Hampshire - Apt. 2 Hollywood 28, Calif.
May 25, 1947
Dear Grady,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thanks for your letter, even tho I am somewhat tardy in answering. Well at least Foxy [Marjorie Fox] and "Butch" got a trip in during the interim of the strike—no loss but what some gain creeps in, eh wot? I can imagine even with some warning, that Foxy had some high-class cleaning up to do after her absence. Oh well, we women must understand, that's one of the things men, as a rule are noted for, and out of the magnanimity of our hearts we merely take it for granted! (Don't we, Foxy?) I'll bet your mother was delighted to see them.
I hope you have received your missing copy of the Commentaries from Roy [Roy Leffingwell], as I typed and gave to him an envelope to forward it in. Tell me, have you been getting any copies of these various letters which Karl [Karl Germer] sent out here to Max [Max Schneider]? The typing has been done by various people, but I have just finished one entitled "Morality (2)" which is a corker and I made a copy for you which I am enclosing.
I am also sending out to you copies of the minutes of the last two meetings. Heretofore copies of these had only been sent to AC and KG, but I checked with Karl and Roy and we feel that copies should also be sent you that you may be apprized of what, if anything, is going on. From them you will see that we were all so in hopes that 666 might be able to join our ranks down here in the desert, but the heat down there would be too much for him in his present condition, he writes me and then too, Karl says he would not be able to stand the voyage as his strength is none too robust since his close shave this last March. . . . I presume you heard about his rather severe heart attack. But I am happy to report that in his last letter dated May 9, he seemed more like his old self, but we must fortify ourselves for any uncertainty.
Well I must get to some of this homework which takes great satisfaction in stacking up against me, so with fond regards to Foxy, "Mousemeat" and yourself, must close for now.
Love is the law, love under will.