Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
[Undated: circa June 1947]
At one time Roy [Roy Leffingwell] rented or sold the Ranch, I don't know the year. It was stocked with cattle and Roy went on the renter's or buyer's note for $2,000. Later Roy had to take back the Ranch as both man and cattle disappeared and could not be traced. The note when due was presented to Roy—he was responsible, and this $2,000 also had to be paid out of the sale price. This fact he mentioned in Lodge [Agape Lodge] meeting, possibly 6 weeks ago.
In light of the above facts I don't quite understand Roy's emphasis on the "dedication" in 1940 of the Ranch to——— At least his letter sounds as if he had held the Ranch sacred for the O.T.O. The property cannot, of course, be deeded to the Order, as it is not incorporated, but Roy stated he would sign an agreement to that end after escrow, etc., had been satisfactorily ended.
Roy lacks a practical approach and has always been in hot water financially since I have known him.