Meeting Minutes

Agape Lodge





Meeting of Agape Lodge, at Burlingame [Ray and Mildred Burlingame] Residence, June 6, 1947.



Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. According to the latest report received from Sister Rhea [Reea Leffingwell], work on the well was to be started on the 6th of June. Sister Jane [Jane Wolfe] reported she had received a letter from Brother Karl [Karl Germer] stating that Brother Frederick [Frederic Mellinger] had been to Hastings to see 666 and also that Brother Karl may go to England.


Next on the agenda, Brother Roy [Roy Leffingwell] asked each member to give a brief presentation of the O.T.O., presuming they were talking to one who was totally unfamiliar with the subject. Some interesting points were brought up.


Brother Roy read and commented on the very fine review on "Sixty Years of Song" [Olla] which appeared in the Spring issue of "The Occult Review" published in London.


After designating June 30 as an open meeting, Lodge was formally closed.


Gene Wood,





AC [Aleister Crowley]

KG [Karl Germer]

GM [Grady McMurtry]



[O.T.O. Newsletter - Spring 1980]