Correspondence from Aleister Crowley Last Will and Testament
19 June, 1947.
THIS IS THE LAST WILL of me EDWARD ALEXANDER CROWLEY commonly known as Aleister Crowley of "Netherwood", the Ridge, Hastings, Sussex, England. I HEREBY REVOKE all wills and testamentary dispositions at any time heretofore made by me. I DIRECT that my Executors shall ascertain as they may think fit beyond all possibility of error the fact of my death. I DESIRE that on my decease my body shall be cremated and that my ashes should be preserved in a casket together with my seal ring and entrusted to the Grand Treasurer of the Ordo Templi Orientis. I APPOINT Karl Johannes Germer [Karl Germer] of 260 West 72nd Street, New York City, Lady Frieda Harris, the wife of Sir Percy Harris of 3. Devonshire Terrace, Marylebone High Street, London W.1 and Louis Umfraville Wilkinson, Doctor of Letters whose address is care of Westminster Bank Limited, Shaftebury Avenue, London, W.C.1,to be the Executors of this my will (hereinafter referred to as my Executors) except for the purposes property and effects (including copyrights) of and in connection with my profession of an author for which purposes property and effects I APPOINT the said Louis Umfraville Wilkinson and John Symonds of 121. Adelaide Road, London, S.W.3, the Executors hereof (hereinafter referred to as "my literary Executors"). I DIRECT my Literary Executors to collect as soon as practicable after my death all my books, writings and effects of a literary nature whatsoever and wheresoever including all such effects over which I may at the date of my death have any power of disposition or appointment and I GIVE AND BEQUEATH my books and writings and literary effects so collect to my Literary Executors free of all death duties ON TRUST that they shall hand the same to the Grand Treasurer General of the Ordo Templi 'Orientis (Order of the Temple of the East) at 260 West 72nd. Street, New York City with a request that the collection shall be for the absolute use and benefit of the said Order and I DECLARE that the receipt of the Grand Treasurer General of the said Order shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors. I BEQUEATH free of all death duties all the copyrights in my books and writings whatsoever and wheresoever including any copyrights over which at the date of my death I may have any power of disposition to the Ordo Templi Orientis aforesaid (other than those copyrights which shall already be the property of the Order) for the absolute use and benefit of the said Order AND I DECLARE that the receipt of the Grand Treasurer General of the said Order shall be a sufficient discharge to my literary Executors subject to the payment of my debts and funeral and testamentary expenses. I GIVE DEVISE BEQUEATH AND APPOINT all the rest residue and remainder of my property estate and effect whatsoever and wheresoever unto such of the said of Karl Johannes Germer, Lady Frieda Harris and Louis Umfraville Wilkinson as shall be living at the date of my death and if more than one equally between them for their or his or her absolute benefit but with a request that they, he or she will dispose of the same amongst my faithful friends in accordance with any wishes expressed by me during my lifetime or set out in any memorandum written or signed by me or left amongst my papers at my death but I declare that no such memorandum shall be deemed to form part of my Will nor shall the foregoing expression of my wishes create any trust or legal obligation.
IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this nineteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven.
Signed by the Testator in the joint presence of us who in his presence and the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses:— EDWARD ALEXANDER CROWLEY
1. No religious service.
I should like either Capt. Gerald Yorke of 5 Montague Square, W.1, or Dr. Louis Wilkinson to read at an appropriate moment, first the Hymn to Pan, secondly The Book of the Law thirdly the Collects from the Gnostic Mass (PP. 353 and 354). Finally, the Anthem at bottom of p. 357 to top of page 359.
2. Duties of Executors.
L. Pay any local debts either from cash found among my possessions, or from funds to be supplied by the Order.
B. Attend to the welfare of the O.T.O.
Y. Assure, "so far as in their lives, the welfare of the natural son of my body, Aleister Ataturk, at present residing in charge of his mother Patricia Deirdre MacAlpine, at "Wheal" Betsy Newlyn, Cornwall."