Meeting Minutes

Agape Lodge





Meeting of Agape Lodge, at Burlingame [Ray and Mildred Burlingame] Residence, July 3, 1947.



Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Treasurer's report for June read. 666's letter of June 17 to the secretary [Mildred Burlingame], as well as one of June 11 from Brother Karl [Karl Germer], were read. Possibility of getting some assistance on the typing of the rest of the 75 letters [for Magick Without Tears] was discussed. This was followed by a short discussion on astrology. July 18 was designated as the next meeting which would be an open one and the first of a series on astrology. No other business at hand, lodge was formally closed.


Mildred Burlingame,





AC [Aleister Crowley]

KG [Karl Germer]

GM [Grady McMurtry]



[O.T.O. Newsletter - Spring 1980]