Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Aleister Crowley
[31 July 1947]
To my beloved and ageless, Guru— To Perdurabo—
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Dear, heart, you are so generous! Today "Olla", this volume of Truth and Beauty. Three weeks ago, from Karl [Karl Germer], in a package of 'Letters' [for Magick Without Tears] yet to be typed, "Fear, a Bad Astral Vision."
This letter laid low the last of my haunting demons. But the goad that will keep me "Sitting Up" at all times, so that I do not treat you—the greatest event in my life—with so little consideration at times!
There was a time when the thought, of you obsessed me,—this I had to kill out, and did: so that I am now free of that imp of distraction.
Years ago I used to wonder how you continued to tolerate me in Cefalu; and still I transgress. I would so like to see you again. At times I tell you things during the day: sometimes. at night I draw near your influence. But terra firma as a meeting place would be much more satisfactory.