Correspondence from Karl Germer to Montgomery Evans








August 9, 1947.



Dear Montgomery,


Your letter of August 3rd reached me only yesterday. We have been away five days and won't be back in New York before Labor Day.


I think the best thing for me to do is to mail your letter on to A.C., and he can write you at his leisure. His address is still



The Ridge

Hastings. Sussex. England.


I have been out of touch with the world more or less since I left N.Y., I don't know what's happening in N.Y. nor in the world in general, as the local papers are a bit narrow and print only British news.


Thanks for enclosing the PP from Schulte: the books listed have been in his shop for years.


I have succeeded in getting passage to Antwerp and return, leaving N.Y. September 26. I have certain business matters to settle in Belgium, but my main object is to stay with A.C. for a month or 8 weeks. My return sailing is scheduled for the first week in December. Should it be possible to meet over there? I'll send you a note when back in N.Y. or give you a ring on the phone. My 3 weeks in N.Y. before sailing will be very hectic, though.


All the best to you in the meantime!


Karl Germer


