Meeting Minutes

Agape Lodge





Meeting of Agape Lodge, Oct. 3, 1947.



Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Mr. Woodcock, a questionable candidate, called the Secretary to say that he had decided not to join the Order at this time. Sister Meeka [Meeka Aldrich] advised that Charlotte, a member of the astrology class, might be a possible candidate a little later on. But Brother Roy [Roy Leffingwell] stated that if no other candidates were ready for the Minerval, we would put through the one, as soon as the equipment and place were available. Following this, the plan was to then put Jean Goss and Frances Ward through the First Degree.


The subject of the cancellation of Brother Karl's [Karl Germer] trip was then discussed and brother Roy stated he had heard no further developments since brother Karl's general letter of Sept. 22.


Copies of the degree up to and including the 4th have been sent to brother Grady [Grady McMurtry], but brother Roy stated no further developments on this had been received.


The balance of the meeting was devoted to a brief interpretation and meaning of Liber Reguli, as some of the members had expressed a desire to do some work on a ritual.


After designating Oct. 17 as the next astrology class and Nov. 7 as the next business meeting, the lodge was formally adjourned.


Gene Wood,





AC [Aleister Crowley]

KG [Karl Germer]

GM [Grady McMurtry]


