Correspondence from Vernon Symonds to the Executor
"Netherwood," The Ridge, Hastings.
1st. December, 1947.
The Exore of the late Edward Alexander Crowley
Dear Sirs,
I present herewith account in respect of the deceased [Aleister Crowley], who was resident here on a Monthly tenancy.
I am sure you will understand that the Room has deteriorated considerably during the tenancy and will have to be entirely redecorated before further occupancy, and this will mean that it will be some considerable time before we are able to again use this accommodation. There has also been some depreciation of soft furnishings etc., and inconvenience to the Hotel and its Staff in other directions.
I have added the nominal sum of fifty pounds to the account to cover these matters, and after making allowances in respect of unconsumed light etc. during the period of notice, there remains a total of seventy pounds.
Yours faithfully,
Vernon Symonds