Correspondence from F.A. Bateman, Ltd. to Louis Wilkinson






38 Robertson Street,


Telephone 900



Dec. 2nd. 1947.



Alastir [sic] Crowley, Esq., (Deceased),

C/o Netherwood,

The Ridge,

St. Leonards – on – Sea



In Account with

F. A. Bateman, Ltd.,

Optical Practitioners.


In Professional Services and Supplying


Statement of Account.


80526. 12/3/46.

Dark Imitation Shell Goggles with side shields

£5 . . 5 . . 6.


80544. 19/3/46.

2 pairs Toric lenses to own 2 frames.

£3 . . 5 . . 6.


81096. 13/6/46.

Splicing eye of own Tortiseshell spectacles.

£1 . . 10 . . 0.


With Compliments Total. £10 . . 0 . . 0.




Ref. No. (80544.) T.2.



