Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Karl Germer
1661 Sacramento St., Apt. 3 San Francisco, 9, California
December 9, 1947, e.v.
Dear Karl,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your night-letter informing me of Aleister's death reached me Wednesday morning. I find it difficult to describe my feelings. I suppose that "choric sadness" comes about as close to it as anything. A great, ringing chorus of joy to send him on his way to the fulfillment of his Will, and at the same time a certain infinite sadness that I have lost, temporarily at least, a friend and we have lost a teacher. You will note that the sadness is for myself, not Aleister.
I also note that he died at 11 A.M. The date and year, etc, might also be of interest.
A number of questions come to mind, of course. What arrangements he had made for his death. What arrangements for the transfer of authority to you. I think I told you that he had affirmed to me conversationally that you were to be his successor. What, if any, holdings the Order has in England and how they are to be administered, etc.
Next in line will be questions concerning your proposed program of action in this country. Notably at the present, I suppose, as to whether you hope to finish the publication project he had under way in this country or in England or at all for the time being. Not that I am trying to push you in any of this, but naturally I shall be interested in knowing what plans you have for the future.
It comes to mind that he must have had the end timed rather well. I note that he concludes his cable in re the birth of Frater Perdurabo with "Therion sends deepest love highest blessing yourselves and Thelemites." Also he ended his last letter to me with "Love to Foxie [Marjorie Fox] and Shannon as well as to yourself, with my blessing." And then the hour of death. Or you might say that he had the change-over timed well, however you wish to put it.
We had a short Thanksgiving visit to the southland. Stayed at Foxie's parents who have bought a small house at Costa Mesa. Got in to see the Burlingames' [Ray and Mildred] one evening. Foxie had not met them before.
Give our love to Sascha [Sascha Germer]. The baby has been a little sick recently, but seems to be over most of it now.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours ever,