Correspondence from Dennes & Co. to Louis Wilkinson
22nd December, 1947
Dear Sir,
Re E.A. Crowley decd.
We wish to thank you for your letter of the 19th instant with the further information relative to the affairs of the above deceased gentleman.
There would appear to be no further sums due to Mr. Crowley's Estate other than the cheques which are to be paid into the Executor's Bank and the Post-War Credit Certificate. We anticipate that Mr. Crowley himself obtained repayment of the former Certificates as all except the last one could be encashed by a man who had reached Mr. Crowley's age. The last one only recently fell due and probably he would not have been in fit health to attend to this.
We feel sure that Mrs. Hill would welcome any other information you may be able to obtain relative to the daughter of Mr. Crowley's second wife [Maria de Miramar].
Yours faithfully,
L. Wilkinson Esq. 17 St. Leonard's Terrace, S.W.3.