Correspondence from Gerald Gardner to Vernon Symonds
W.G.B. Gardner 282 Strathmore Circle. Memphis 12 Tenn. U.S.A.
To Vernon ? Esq Netherwood Hotel The Ridge Hastings, England
Dec. 24 1947
My dear Vernon,
Ime [sic] very sorry, I forget your last name. But I came down several times to see Alister [sic] Crowley. Ime [sic] Dr Gardner, from 47 Ridgmount Gardens, W.C.1. I got very ill. & the Drs sent me over here for the winter. Ive [sic] just heard of poor Alisters [sic] death.
I came over here in a hurry, & have not braught [sic] any addresses. Now, can you please thee [sic] me who are Alisters [sic] executers? I have a notion that Gerald Yorke, whom I know is one, But cant [sic] for the life of me remember his address, Ive [sic] been there of course, & know the number is 5 & its [sic] near Marble Arch. but cant [sic] remember the street number, so tats [sic] no use, Alister [sic] gave me a charter making me head of the O.T.O. in Europe. Now I want to get any papers obout [sic] this, that Alister [sic] had, he had some typescript Rituals. I know. I have them too, but I dont [sic] want his to fall in to other peoples hands. Ill [sic] buy them off them at a reasonable price, together with any other relics they may be willing to sell. If by any chance you know Gerald Yorkes address. would you be good enough to let me know. The [illegible] mails take a long time, Postage 2 1/2 tupence half [illegible] but you can get an air envelope, like this. at the P.O. for sixpence. which comes in about 5 days. I will be back in England about te [sic] end of March.
Meanwhile, Wishing you all the best of good things, How are the Caves getting on? & are the Smuglers [sic] wearing the cutlasses,?
All the very best,
Yours ever.
G.B. Gardner