Correspondence from Karl Germer to Mr. Jones






260 West 72nd Street

New York 23, N.Y.

Endicott 2-6799



January 13, 1948.



Mr. Jones

Messrs. Guy & Sons, Printers,

89 High Street

Hastings, Sussex.




Dear Mr. Jones,


Lady Harris [Frieda Harris] has given me your name as the gentleman who is handling the matter of the printing of the books which the late Mr. Aleister Crowley had ordered.


May I say that these books were commissioned by the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis), and in the Spring of 1947, when it was a question whether to print the books in the United States or in England, I finally agreed to the printing to be done in England, when Mr. Crowley cabled me that the first proofs were promised for the end of May.


As Grand Treasurer General of the Order I agreed, and told Mr. Crowley to go ahead, and that I would pay the cost of the production.


Unfortunately, Mr. Crowley has been seedy in the last six months before his death, and I had to be away much of the time. As a result I only have heard now that the printing is completed, and that a sum of 104 pounds is still owing.


In case of any doubt I want to reassure you that we continue to assume al responsibility for any debts connected with these books. However, until to-day I am in the precarious position of having no data about the transaction. Would you be good enough to give me the full facts? How much was the down payment? How much is owed now? Is the complete printing finished? What is the quality of the paper (please send sample)? What is the exact format of the books? Is the title page complete? Do you have enough paper available of the same quality to add a special Introduction? I would appreciate your sending me a set of galley proofs plus a sample of the book, say, one sheet, at your earliest convenience to give me a chance to continue efforts of marketing.


Please send me a proper bill.


Let me again say in case of some interference, or of any doubt, that these books are the property of the Grand Treasurer General of the O.T.O., that is myself, who commissioned Mr. Crowley, and paid for them.


Very truly yours


Karl Germer


