Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Israel Regardie
5, Montagu Square, W.1.
24 February 1948.
Dear Regardie,
I have mislaid your address, hence the long silence and my hope that the Chirogram will forward this to you. Many thanks for the Xmas card of Stinky. We once had a bulldog, so that your name for yours brings back memories.
A.C. died some months ago, and I helped to cremate him. To my everlasting astonishment we found some £400 in notes in a cash box. I have been having an interesting and amusing time sorting his papers and browsing through his correspondence, all of which goes to Karl [Karl Germer] and the American following. I laughed myself sick over letters from some of the latter which began "Beloved and rosy-coloured guru".
If the next generation of faithful produce a life based on his letters and papers you and I will have a good laugh. His references to both of us were not always complimentary. The document which pleased me the most was a lunatic who wrote to say he would undergo any ordeal, do anything, and pay more than he had in the world if by the aid of magic the old boy would turn him into a woman. Amongst similar nonsense there was some stuff I was glad to know of, while some of the few magical diaries were extremely interesting. It brought back old times and made me think warmly of you, hence this letter.
For the last three weeks I have been sorting these papers, taking a few notes on the historical side of the succession in O.T.O. etc. Now I am back on my book on Yoga, which is beginning to take definite shape in my mind, though it will be about a year before I actually put pen to paper.
I hope you and yours flourish.
Gerald Yorke.