Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




February 26, 1948



New York



For Soror ESTAI [Jane Wolfe],


The following paragraph from a Document in A.C.'s papers are of interest:—

"In the event of our death or disability a General Council of the Order shall be summoned within a year and a day of that event by Fra. Saturnus [Karl Germer], or such other as we may by subsequent appointment designate. The Council shall discuss the existing conditions of the Order (i.e. AA) freely for 11 days; after hearing the same the members of the AA highest in rank (and then in seniority) shall assume our present functions and govern the Order in our place."

[Comment by Fra. Saturnus:] This is only a preliminary notice. It will take months before the complete document will be available in New York. The above paragraph was copies out in view of the short time that may be available to summon distant members, and it was deemed advisable to send out this notice ahead.


This also went to E.Q.V. for Roy [Roy Leffingwell] & Agape Lodge & to Max [Max Schneider], Grady [Grady McMurtry].


