Meeting Minutes

Agape Lodge





Meeting of Agape Lodge at Burlingame [Ray and Mildred ] Residence, Mar. 5, 1948.



Minutes of the last meeting read and accepted. Treasurer's report indicated $16.15 in the treasury. Brother Roy [Roy Leffingwell] stated that inasmuch as the present group was so small, about all that can be done is to report on what takes place between meetings. He reported that Dr. Montenegro [Gabriel Montenegro] is anxious to join the order. An interesting letter from brother Koomheller [Arnold Krumm-Heller], (The Dr.'s former teacher) who is connected with a Rose Cross fraternity in Germany, was read.


Good news received from Ruth and Harold regarding the well on the ranch. They reported water at the 20" mark which did not appear to be seepage.


An interesting and informative letter from the Lekve [Friedrich Lekve] family, containing highlights on the unobtainable items as well as notes of interest in connection with the Master Therion's teachings and conveying their gratitude for the food and clothing sent to them.


Next on the agenda was a letter from brother Karl [Karl Germer] stating no progress had been made on the will, but that the first of the cases of manuscripts was being sent and stressing the need of money for coming expenses and containing a caution to not overdue the sending of packages abroad.


A Minerval will be held for Dr. Montenegro and Bob Walker as soon as a suitable place is found. Jane [Jane Wolfe] is to check with Meeka Aldrich as to the availability of her place in Laurel Canyon and then let brother Roy know for sure.


The next astrology class being on March 19, we will also celebrate the Vernal Equinox and the cost of refreshments will be taken from the miscellaneous astrology donations which as of this meeting totaled $6.66.


No other business at hand, lodge was formally closed.






KG [Karl Germer]

GM [Grady McMurtry]



[O.T.O. Newsletter - Spring 1980]