Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Karl Germer
10 March 1948
Dear Germer.
I have heard from Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones], and I think he will play. I have now asked him for Liber 31, the ritual or lection for VI° O.T.O., the missing section of The Confessions [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]—I know he had it one time—and a copy of some magical working done with Loveday [Raoul Loveday], which I know he has.
Van Oppen's man (shipping agent) has just phones me from John's [John Symonds] flat that he will send the bulk of the stuff (i.e. less the manuscripts, typescripts and personal books) by the next direct boat to Los Angeles. This leaves in about one month's time, and it will be some two to three months before you get it. The address I gave him was you c/o Mrs. Frank Miller, Route 1, Barstow, California, and the shipping route by sea from England to Los Angeles. His rough estimate was £20 shipping charges and £15 for packing, but it may in the end total £40. I said I would pay cash before the consignment left. This represents the bulk of the shipment, all that remains being the typescripts etc of which you have a list, and a few individual copies of certain books. John is very anxious to get the stuff clear from his flat, as he wants to use the room at present filled with it. The only snag may be of the Official Receiver stops the shipment. John however wants to get it off.
I sent you the ring by ordinary registered post last week. I have also sent you two of A.C.'s diaries and some G.D. [Golden Dawn] material with explanatory letter by ordinary post.
The Stélé of Revealing will be included in the shipment.
I do hope it gets off quickly. Anyway I have done my best to speed it up, and think I have been successful, but you never know.
Kerman [Isidore Kerman] is abroad, so it will be a week or so before I know whether I can secure his diaries. I have offered him £50—all I can afford, telling him I am not so much interested in owning the stuff, as in securing copies to add to the archive; if therefore he does not want to sell, will he allow us to copy them. If I get them, I think I will send you them one by one for Jane [Jane Wolfe] to copy; she can then send each one back to me when she has finished with it, and I send her the next one. This will save some £25, which it would cost to have them typed out by a professional. Does this appeal to you?
I would like you to reimburse me half the shipping charges, but there is no hurry. I can easily wait a year, and would not think of charging interest.
Gerald Yorke.
Three more scraps dug up from my old notes are enclosed.