Statement of the Author Charles Stansfeld Jones



[Extracted from "Liber Thirty-One"]




March 13, 1948



I, CHARLES STANSFELD JONES, (Frater Achad, etc.) of "Tall Timbers", Deep Cove, British Columbia, Canada, being the author of the accompanying manuscript entitled "Liber Thirty-One" (a part of my private magical diary, originally transcribed and typed with one carbon copy in November 1918, the single copy having been delivered to Aleister Crowley by mail early in September 1919 and since lost or destroyed) do now make the following statement:


On March 4, 1948, I received from Gerald J. Yorke, Esq., of 5, Montaque Square, London, W.1., England, a letter which contained the following:

"As you probably know A.C. had died. I am sorting his papers prior to their dispatch to America. Your Liber 31 has not survived amongst these papers, though there is a reference to it on page 127 of The Equinox of the Gods. Would you care to send me a copy, which on my death will go to the British Museum with my other Crowleyana. I think it important that one copy of your treatise 31 should exist in this country, as if it does so exist it will be available for anyone sufficiently interested in Liber Al to wish to see it."

In response to this request, and for the purpose stated by Mr. Yorke, I have had prepared from the single original manuscript in my possession one further typescript and four carbon copies. The typescript which accompanies this statement has been personally checked by me and is a true copy (only one extra note having been added on the first page in reference to original date of delivery of ms.) Of the four extra carbon copies it is my intention to deliver one to Miss Grace R. Hallam of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and one to Dr. J.P. Kowal of 5821 Chene Street, Detroit 11, Michigan, U.S.A. so that there may be a record in these countries as well as in England. One of the remaining two copies will be attached to the original manuscript in my files, and the other kept in case of later publication or other need. Further copies are not to be made without my written permission.


[signed] C. Stansfeld Jones. (Frater Achad)


On the twentieth day of March, in the Year of our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Eight, at the City of Vancouver, Province of British Columbia, Charles Stansfeld Jones (Frater Achad) who is personally known to me, appeared before me and acknowledged to me that he is the person who made and signed the above statement and that he is the author of the accompanying "Liber Thirty-One."


IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office at Vancouver, British Columbia, this twentieth day of March, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-eight.



A Notary Public in an for the

Province of British Columbia


