Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






24 March 1948



Care Frater VI,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


On March 20th I sent you Liber 31 together with a long and important letter. These may not reach you until the first week in April. This letter will then become more intelligible.


Things are moving with great force and activity on inner planes. The difficulty is to keep up with them. The word is by no means exhausted. Please note particularly Liber Legis II.68 and 69. The actual facts! A.C. loses breath—"die!"—followed by "Help and hope in other spells" (70) following the question: "Is the word exhausted?" All this is most extraordinary in the way it's working out. Some of it must be briefly recorded and transmitted. You seem to be the only one to whom this can be done just now. Sorry, if you don't like it. Please, then note:


Liber Legis I.66 says: "The Manifestation of Nuit is at an end." This may mean that "at an end" viz: passing of 666, the true manifestation of Nuit Begins. The curses over, LOVE (Word of this current Equinox) which is the Law into




(Let's hope so!)


Now note: Liber Legis I.20. "The key of the rituals is in the secret word which I have given him" A.C. took the key of the rituals to be in the word ABRAHADABRA. But this word he did not receive until Chapter III. Nuit says: have given him. Therefore it must be a word already used in Chapter I. This word (which contains that of 1926, as an egg in a nest) is MANIFESTATION which occurs in Verse I. This has now been shown or "beheld" in a marvellous manner by "the child of his bowels" (see I.55)


Now, please note an historical fact. A.C. acknowledged this "child" as a result of the 1916—M.T. [Magister Templi]—Initiation. Liber Aleph (111) and K.M.P. [Khabs am Pekht] epistle in The Equinox III.1. were written by Therion for this child whose job it is to behold mysteries. The "Key of Liber Legis" which one (Achad) was to discover (and thus obtain the reward of R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit]—of ABRAHADABRA) was not experiences until Winter Solstice of 1917 Initiation and not delivered finally to A.C. until September 3, 1919. It unlocked Liber Legis for him on Sunday September 7th. The original letter on receipt of Liber 31 and P.[ost] C.[ard] saying "Your Key opens Palace. has unfolded like a flower" is now before me—having been found again last night.


In 1919, therefore, 666 further acknowledged the fact that the one of CH.III, v.47 and the "child" (Aum!—111) of Ch.I vv. 55-56 are the same being. He also claimed that "Key" had applied to "one to follow thee" of Ch.II.76, whose job it is to expound numbers and words, because he then got a clue to RPSTOVAL of that verse. The remainder, however, is not clear yet. Still, he acknowledged then the third one to be identical with other two of Chapters I and III. (Chapter III, v. 45 is another aspect—we'll admit that for the moment.)


Now the Reward and Magic Formula of the New Aeon— ABRAHADABRA, 418—comes through linking this up the Old Aeon, as at one time shown A.C. in the letter on file—and this produced a secret 12-fold word (12 rays hath the Crown) which can be written so as to appear elevenfold. And the correspondence of the number of this great LINK is "The Firstborn". This can be shown with amazing Qabalistic accuracy, and again has to do with Nuit's puzzle: L.[iber] L.[egis] Ch.I. vs 46-47 which it solves perfectly (I am stating these things here dogmatically for the sake of record just now).


Now the one thing which A.C. never took into account, so far as I know, is part of 1.49 when Nuit says " . . . and let Asar be with Isa, who also are one. But they are not of me . . . etc. Isa the sufferer: Hoor . . . initiating."


Now the uniting, thus, of Asar (262) and Isa (71) produces 333 which is Choronzon, the devil of confusion etc. (But also SNOW.)


Anyway, the point is that a representative of ISA is the CANDIDATE in the Great Initiation of the Equinox of the Gods, and he is being initiated by HOOR in his secret Name and Splendour. The representative of the Old Aeon is, as it were, voluntarily brought to judgment, as to whether he would survive the Ordeals of the incoming of the New Aeon, and thus finally LINK the two into ONE. These Ordeals the FOOL—Parzival—goes through. See III, verses 63, 64, 65, 66, 67. And the results are all of record. All connect with the Secret Word of 1926 which links the Past and Present. There are documents relative to the Arising of the Silver Star, the Golden Star and the formation of the Diamond, and the "intimate sparks" have been experienced and recorded; as has also the "Thief in the Night" and Pan-humanity. (A.C. thought his child took his books—a complete mistake—which caused apparent INJUSTICE. All, however, of nature of ORDEAL of Initiation of Candidate for Reward of R.H.K. Now, all that is becoming clear as Day.)


This brings us back to the Manifestation of Nuit and of Love. (The Old Law as the New—that ye love one another.)


The proper arrangement of the letters MANIFESTATION on a 13-pointed Star, can now be shown (as discovered yesterday) to produce a statement (from the thirteen letters) to the effect (for the method is herein concealed): "All is in Tau (or TAO)". Taking the former as Nuit's promised "key of the rituals" (that is, the known rituals, for half are concealed, as the New Egg in the Nest) (See I.34) we can first refer to Liber TAU in The Equinox Volume I Number VII, where it is seen that A.C. put all the other 21 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet INTO a very large TAU and that the Liber has to do exclusively with the Key of the Old Rituals (including Asar). But now refer also to Achad's The Egyptian Revival (New arrangement of Trumps etc.), pages 28 and 29 (which reversal and new arrangement A.C. rejected or ignored), and note there the description of Tarot Trump XX: "The Great ONE of the Night (Nuit) of Time (Saturn)". Look at the picture on the Trump itself!—The Universe with the Mysterious Positive-Negative figure in the centre of an Ellipse (OVAL), with The Double Wand of Power—the Force of Coph Nia—as it were a Light shining in Darkness with the darkness comprehending it NOT.


Here, too is where Saturnus [Karl Germer] comes into the picture. The OUTER-(Time)-heir to the "Night of Time", with its Ashes etc. from which we pass, or which shall soon be seen as the Secret Glory of the Manifestation of Nuit. Will Saturnus now comprehend?


Indeed the Word is not Exhausted; and whether humanity must undergo a further Dark Night of the Soul (in another War) or the tide of Time has turned—LOVE ALONE REIGNS in ESSENCE! Let us hope also in:




Love is the law, love under will!


Yours very fraternally,





