Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke
30 March 1948
Care Frater V.I.,
The following is as it were a side issue, but should, I think, be on record in your private files. It is written in Liber XXX: "If a chance thought can produce such effect, what cannot a fixed thought do." Also, it is written in Liber LXV I. 34 & 36: "Thou seest yon petal of amaranth, blown by the wind . . . That falling petal seemed to the little ones a wave to engulph their continent". Also Liber Legis: "There is a factor infinite and unknown . . ." Consider, then, the following:
To my long letter of March 19th, which accompanied the copy of Liber 31—which you may not yet have received—I attached two pages of postscripts. In the first of these I chanced to mention the formula of :child in the cyclone". In the second postscript I mentioned unusual weather conditions and sent you a press cutting of small local flurry. I will not enlarge on this again here. On other occasions mentioned, the northern part of the continent has been affected. Therefore when radio reports, every day of following week, mentioned cyclones, I took serious notice, but refrained from press-cuttings. However, I also wrote: "Time will show"—another chance connection. Yesterday I received my copy of the weekly Time magazine, dated March 29th, and noticed therein the enclosed report, which is significant. On reading it carefully, and noticing mention of 52 at bottom (52 = BN = SON), I decided to check all chance numbers, etc. with following results.
Note the heading: The Day Before Spring—the day my letter to you was posted.
Not what occurred: warm air from south meets cool air from Pacific.
Note words: A storm was born.
Note the unusual name mentioned par. 3. Dingerson. Analyse this: DIN (Heb. Justice)—GER (mer) & SON. The problem dealt with in letter of 19th. Also: FOSTER (name of my Magical mother [Jeanne Foster]) and BERG (as it were the male counterpart).
Note correspondences of chance numbers mentioned in order of appearance: 250—The living GOD of the Worlds—also the South (source of warm wind), also Habit (these things have happened before, as reported) and action. (See Sepher Sephiroth.)
TEN—(Express Trains)—Sephiroth.
80—Pé—Mouth (Tarot) Lord of Hosts of Mighty—Blasted Tower.
1350—9 Paths of Lesser Beard—viz: of Son, Microprosopus.
200—ALAL (wings, Millions of dollars worth of airplanes ruined) BELONGING TO SPRING.
300—Khabs Am Pakht (Therion's Epistle to his Son), Profundities separation (from A.C., now at present from Germer [Karl Germer]), The Spirit of God (the dove) (after storm, I hope).
85—Put in motion—routed. (quite significant) PÉ in full. Also a flower (A.C. said: L.[iber] L.[egis] opened like a flower by Key) and CUP—Grail symbol.
51—as above mentioned: BN—Son.
1000—Large Aleph!
Picture—with letter (in Handel [Albert H. Handel] letter) sent to A.C. announcing end of Cycle of Saturn, picture enclosed of old tree-stump, as seen from "Tall Timbers" Deep Cove.
I told you in my letter that at certain times newspapers, etc. confirmed magical results immediately. This makes that statement plain I think. But it is useless to ask Why? invoking Because. For there is that factor—Infinite and Unknown—which scientists now call ANTI-CHANCE. I call it GOD!
Yours with sincere affection,
P.S. Am sending this by slow mail, to give you a rest, and in order that it may arrive ahead of correspondence mailed on March 20th. A.
[Note written in margin alongside first copied para above:]
Time Vol. LI # 13 March 29. 1948 Page 13.