Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Karl Germer





1 April 1948



Dear Germer,


I enclose


1. Copy of A.C.'s speech and proclamation of the Irish Republic at the foot of the Statue of Liberty, New York July 1917.


2. Copy of Ravishment, written by Loveday [Raoul Loveday] in Cefalù. It contains a particularly good description of a magical ceremony, and I am sure Jane Wolfe would like to read it again.


3. Copy of a G.D. [Golden Dawn] MSS. This clearly was not written by A.C.


Above were in the collection of papers which I bought.


 4. Notes on the Ritual of the Pentagram dictated by A.C. to me in 1928 or 29.


I am sending [the original manuscript] of Liber Legis registered by separate cover.


The forwarding agent calls to collect and despatch the bulk of the books and duplicate material in John Symonds' flat early next week.


Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] will send me Liber 31.




Gerald Yorke.


