Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel






In full confidence:





2 April 1948



351 = Man. Hiram Abiff. Moses.

352 = Exalted Light.

353 = Secret of Tetragrammaton.[1]



Dear Brothers Yorke & Handel,


A faithful advisors and witnesses to the value of "Not Talking"—rather than the old silence—I am sending you each one of the two original carbon copies of a document which I was impressed to begin exactly at 1.11 P.M. this afternoon.


Apart from any value there may be in making a brief record of certain objective facts, which was what I consciously set out to do, the quite unlooked-for proof of the incoming of the Aeon of Truth and Justice—which is supplied by the "chance" TIME of ENDING this MANIFESTATION of FACTS, viz: the value of the Number 3.51 (351) and, as I further find, of the two minutes immediately following represented by the Numbers 352 and 353 (Sepher Sephiroth), thus raising 3 plus 5 plus 1 = 9 to a balanced 353 which is 11—is truly Amazing! It proves that there is indeed "a factor infinite and unknown"!


You will see on reference to 351 how this links up the Old Law and the New—Moses—Masonry—AA etc.. and connects A.C. as MAN with PERDURABO the Neophyte in MALKUTH the Kingdom—where we can all meet on the level.


The interesting point is that this is MAN not BEAST. Perdurabo, who endures to the End—which is not—coming into his own. And A.C., as the Beast, wrote the special document To Man. My formula (which he did not know) is the form given above: MAN IO! (Only a jot or tittle of difference between us—now eliminated.) The other implications you will see for yourselves.


The new formula is Simplicity in place of Complexity. However, look up also 257, the numeration of the letters of MANIFESTATION and 13-fold star-diamond. You will find besides "Ark" (The Ship), Magician and the White Wand (which I have as an objective fact—the peeled wand of Neophyte)—there is a reference to Psalm XXV.14: "To his fearers":


"The SECRET of the LORD is with them

that fear Him, He will shew them his Covenant!"


The Rainbow cloven by the arrow—the Middle of the Right hand Path—Dove Grey. This, in connection with reference to Moses, in numbers before given (and in document QNA) is, I think you will agree, significant. Time will show:


Very fraternally,




62 (Birthday) = 'Healing' & 'Sons'.



1—These three lines constitute a pencil note made by Yorke at the head of the letter.


