Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel
4 April 1948
Dear Brothers Yorke and Handel,
You have been the recipients of some very unusual correspondence which may well prove to be of historic importance. I trust you will preserve it carefully. There is one point of especial interest to observe. Whereas in the past the records of changes in Aeons have either been unrecorded or the original records lost—except in the case of the incoming of the Aeon in 1904, and even then the record not being made known until some time later—in this instance, owing to improvements of modern science, it has been possible to make triple reports on typewriter at the exact moments of such a change and to transmit carbon copies to faithful witnesses by air-mail within a few hours of the actual occurrence. Since, then, you have the original carbons of typescripts recording actual events—and apart from the value ultimately placed upon them, which Time will show—they should be preserved in case anything should happen to the originals.
We are living in strange times. From what was reported earlier in the day there is no assurance that further destruction may not be widespread in certain quarters; there may be much further cleaning-up to be done, but this is in the Hands of Almighty God and all that actually happens is seen ultimately to be for the best. He is both Just and Merciful.
Let us then for the moment to consideration of certain aspects relative to Liber Legis and the uses to be made of it so far as these have so far been defined by 666.
It should be observed that recent copies of Liber Legis in printed form have contained a warning at the end attested by Anfk-f-n-khonsu which says: "The study of this book is forbidden. It is wise to destroy this copy after the first reading. Whosoever disregards this does so at his own risk and peril. These are most dire. Those who discuss the contents of this Book are to be shunned by all, as centres of pestilence . . ." etc.
On the other hand, Liber CCC—Khabs Am Pekht—originally addressed to me as the Magical Son of Therion, contains the advice: "Social gatherings should be held as often as convenient, and there the Law should be read and explained."
There appears to be some conflict here; at least the latter instructions seem to contain an element of restriction—which is the word of sin—that the former does not imply.
The solution may lie in the difference between the times and persons to which the instructions were given. Before the "division hither homeward" the hopes of 666 lay in my handling of the situation in Malkuth. After the apparent separation (which was only apparent), 666 decided that the Book was most dangerous when dealt with in a general way by groups of people; it should then only be dealt with each for himself and questions referred to him alone.
This, I think, was wise. However it also applies to me that it shall be dealt with as if "each for himself"; and since he advised me personally in Liber CCC, this leaves to my discretion the present method of dealing with the matter. What instructions he may have given to Saturnus [Karl Germer] I do not know. But the instructions of Liber Legis itself: "Convert not, argue not, talk not overmuch" is a very wise one. This I see more clearly than ever in the light of recent events.
But it was necessary that events should be recorded and reports sent to reliable witnesses, and it does seem advisable that a few of us should use means available, such as writing, in order to discuss, if necessary, the course events are taking, and their implications as affecting the course of man's history.
As things have unexpectedly turned out, it has been quite impossible to take Saturnus into the picture any further than has at present been done. I have never been in communication with him—through his own choice—and so was in no position to send him any of the recent developments in writing. This, doubtless, is exactly as it should be. It is in Higher Hands—as all else—and when the time is ripe the season will become plain.
Meanwhile, since by A.C.'s "will" Saturnus has a certain inheritance from the past (which does not include a record of present developments), and since it is my desire to ascertain exactly what that "will" implied and aid in its fulfilment, for the moment, I am sure you will both agree, all that has been recorded with you in regard to recent events remains in confidence, at least until such time as Saturnus has had a fair opportunity to act for himself according to his own Will and make his own announcements in regard to Liber Legis and his connection therewith.
Things are clearing up so marvellously that we may with greatest assurance leave them in the Hands of the One God whose Children we are. And we should each, according to his best light, try to interpret for ourselves the meaning of such an injunction as "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours very fraternally,