Correspondence from to Karl Germer to Charles Stansfeld Jones
6 April 1948
Care Frater Achad,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yesterday I received a communication from Bro.[ther] Albert H. Handel, of Jersey City, which reached me while on a temporary stay on the West Coast.
I understand from my co-executors in England that you are in possession of data which, for historical reasons, should be rescued, clarified and collected.
The search for Aleister Crowley's assets has already established that certain literary material of value is missing, and you close connection with A.C. over a period of years makes it likely that you may have either copies of them or otherwise would be able to help me to recover.
The fact that I happen to be on the West Coast at the moment prompts me to take the opportunity to ask you whether a meeting could not be arranged before I return to New York. I will shortly have to be in San Francisco for a few days and will return to New York by April 30.
Would you be good enough to let me know by return when it would be convenient to you to see me in Vancouver?
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally,
K. Germer / J. Wolfe [Jane Wolfe]