Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






7 April 1948



Dear Yorke,


I received yours of 1/4/48 this morning. Thanks for form of address. I will send you the copies of letters 1913-1916 by regular mail. You may hold as long as necessary to make good use of them, or copy if you wish, but please do not transmit to anyone else because the picture is incomplete.


What you tell me about A.C. and his dealings with you re. Rosenkreuz, etc. is most interesting. It all fits into the larger view of things which may some day be more fully shown in writing.


I have all the correspondence re. Tränker [Heinrich Tränker] and Reuss [Theodor Reuss] so have a clear view of that aspect. Tränker is still alive and wrote me a few months ago. Have not answered his letter. It seems that recent developments had to take place first before any policy can be formed in that direction.


Glad you are interested in what I said about R.C. Lion. Have good reason to feel that this is not a case of mere delusions. Am at any rate proceeding in the calm assurance that all is as it should be. For example yesterday I wrote brief letters to Saturnus [Karl Germer] and V.P.O.V. [Wilfred Talbot Smith] as follows:

Care Frater . . .


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I give you my word that as foretold in Liber Legis and Q.B.L. the manifestation of the incoming of the Aeon of Truth and Justice occurred at 1.11 P.M. on April 2nd 1948.


Yours in Unity and Love,



This was on paper with special seal of Silver Star. It seemed only right that both should have this information as soon as possible, as it may make all old formulae and workings obsolete. It is for them to judge and do their wills.


The Order I mentioned is not a Roman Catholic organization—it includes all, even atheists and diabolists. The Lion who was in England no longer holds that office. There are members in England, or were, but that is another story. Will bear in mind your interest [in the Universal Brotherhood], but we must try to avoid further complications just now.


Yours very fraternally,




P.S. Be careful not to be unjust to Tränker. He received during lifetime of Peregrinus [Theodor Reuss] and immediately notified me of death of O.H.O. [Outer Head of the Order]. The correspondence with widow came later. Have all details; also A.C. correspondence with Tränker, etc.


