Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones





7 April 1948



Dear Jones,


     Your 2/4/48. I do not know of the O.T.O. under the title of Lustration. I am however of the opinion that the rituals as extant over here are those that he rewrote as a result of some controversy with American Masons. Send me the opening and closing sentences, and a short section from the middle, and when I get back to London at the end of the month, I will check and see whether they agree with my copy of the I°.


I came across the Psychomagian Society for the first time in some letter, possibly from you, in A.C.'s correspondence. If there is a member known to you in England, let me know and I will investigate it.


The C.I.H.U. [Church in Holy Unity] is new to me. I return your evidence. I do not think it has any chance of spreading, but may be wrong.


There is an original of "The Great Do Miss" amongst A.C.'s papers. I copies it as a sample of Cabala gone wrong, and included it in my small collection of 'evidence' of disciples who failed. For it struck me as being a typically crazy document. I shall continue to think it such unless you can be bothered to explain it to me. I wish you were not so suspicious of Germer [Karl Germer]. The fact that A.C. did not reply to what he thought a crazy document, ought not to have led you automatically to suspect Germer of bad faith.


I like your silver star note paper, on which you sent me your Easter Sunday letter. What is the authority for ISSA, by whom I presume you mean Jesus? It is a new name to me. A.C. I think concluded that spiritually you had gone wrong when you announced to him that you had discovered a new word which you were not revealing even to him. I will quote you the sentence from one of his letters to this effect on my return to London. As you say, time will show, and the fact of his denying you was an "ordeal" both for you and for him, as he felt the lack of initiated succession after he had given you up, most acutely. I gather from your letters that you have successfully completed this ordeal and rejoice thereat. One of the proofs to my way of thinking would be the healing of the breach within the Order, by you and Germer getting in touch again. If he declines the opportunity so much the worse for him.




