Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke & Others






[Letter-head has 9-pointed star with Sanskrit inset and four parts of geometric figure "filled in".]



8 April 1948



Testimony of Stone of Precious Water.



This day is that of the Anniversary of the first day of the writing of "The threefold book of Law"—Liber AL—delivered by XCIII to DCLXVI exactly 44 years ago.


It is the sixth day after the Incoming of the Aeon of Truth and Justice, which occurred April 2, 1948 at 1.11 P.M. as foretold in the book Q.B.L. (132) in 1923.


This day may be considered as the true beginning of the Age of Aquarius, the Sign of the Waterbearer, the "Stone of Precious Water", for it is 44 years since the Incoming of the "Equinox of the Gods", and 44 = DLI = Aquarius (See Sepher SephirothThe Equinox Vol I Number viii.)


The Linking of the Law of Moses, the New Law of the Gospel, the Law proclaimed in "The threefold book of Law" in 1904 with the Aeon of Truth and Justice at the present time can be shown as follows: Jesus confirmed the Law of Love of God and the neighbour, as proclaimed by Moses, in the two commandments of Charity (Agapé) which He said were "The whole of the Law and the Prophets".


The Catholic Missal for Low Sunday, April 4, 1948, has as Epistle 1 John [Chapter 5] vv. 4-10 which contains the following words: "And there are three who give testimony in heaven; the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one. And there three are three that give testimony on earth: the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three are one".


The threefold book of Law contains three chapters. The first of these, being the manifestation of Nuit, may well be considered as symbolizing Water—the Great Blue Ocean of Space. Chapter II is the hiding of Hadit—the flame in every heart of man and in the core of every star—which is Spirit. Chapter III quite evidently deals with Blood. There were three days of writing: April 8, 8, 10—1904. 44 years since. Now 44 has value as follows:


DLI = Aquarius = Water = 44
DM Blood = 44
LHT = Flame = Spirit = 44
"Q.B.L." Qabalah, to receive 132


Let him who can receive, receive it! There is no bond which can unite the divided but Love!


In Unity and Love,


Achad.  1.P.M.


P.S. Please keep envelope showing date of mailing!




