Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Karl Germer
9 April 1948
Dear Germer,
Many thanks for In Residence, which arrived this morning. I am more than grateful to you as it helps to complete my collection.
I enclose a copy of a letter from Jones to me, which he wrote with a view to my sending it on to you as the first step in the closing of the breach in the Order. I do hope that you will reply direct to him. Above is a copy of my answer to him, and I am sending him a copy of my letter to you. I consider it of vital importance for the future history of the Order that at some future date Jones's [Charles Stansfeld Jones] archive should be joined to yours, and if possible a copy should be preserved with the papers which I shall leave to the British Museum. This is not likely to happen unless the two of you get in direct touch. His remarks about his titles still appearing on the official imprimatur of the A∴A∴ cannot be ignored. The historical side of the succession in O.T.O. should also be considered seriously. In view of the fact that Jones does not propose to re-establish the system of the A∴A∴ nor to try and build up lodges of O.T.O., there should be no difficulty in your reconciliation. A.C. once accused me, as he did Jones, of stealing his MSS with a view to personal gain. Knowing how mistaken he was in my case, I suspect he was also mistaken in that of Jones. As a result in both cases we stopped having further official relations with the old boy. I have written both of you several times on the subject of your healing the breach. I feel the matter very strongly. I will not however refer to it again to either of you unless you mention it to me. There is no point in repetition, and I have had my say.
G. Yorke.
Jones's address is Post Office Box 365 Vancouver. B.C. Canada.