Correspondence from W.A. Guy Ltd. to Karl Germer








Letter from W.A. GUY LTD. HASTINGS



April 13, 1948.



Dear Sir,


Your letter to hand of March, 1948, unfortunately Mr. Jones, who has been dealing with this matter, has been away for quite a week with a very serious illness, and we were hoping that he would be back to deal with it this week, but a relapse has set in and he is not expected back before another two weeks, but as soon as he returns, he will deal with it at once and will be in communication with you.


We do sincerely hope that this will not inconvenience you, but trust you will understand.


Yours sincerely




J.B. GUY Director.




K.J. Germer Esq

New York. N.Y.




[handwritten P.S. to enclosed letter]


Dear Mr. Wilkinson [Louis Wilkinson],


What happened to certain of the personal belongings of A.C.'s such as his gold watch, tie pin, rings (apart from the Seal Ring), fountain pen, pen, etc. etc.! I personally would have highly valued his watch a I knew it so well. The "Parker 51 w pencil" were sent to him 2 years ago by some of his devoted O.T.O. members who asked me what became of them. Some of the "Pantacles" were made with his own hand by a Brother in California who is a jeweler. The Painting (or water colour?) that hung over his bed (showing A.C. as a Chinese) was promised to Mr. Mellinger [Frederic Mellinger] when he visited with A.C. repeatedly. I would much like to hear about this matter again.






