Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke & Others











An Epistle of M.A.A.T. to the

Crowned Children of the New Aeon.



14 April 1948



Fellow Stars,


This is the Beginning of the Manifestation of MA-ION and the Word Not Known.


Let us Rejoice! The Curse of the Magus is Lifted! The Silver Star of AA Shines! Chance is turned into Design! There is Success! Both Old and New Law is Justified! Progress is Before us! Let us keep On! Blessing and Worship to the Prophet of the Lovely Star!


Let it first be Understood: The Plenum of Infinite Perfection Filleth the Void. He is Superunitary Being. The Great Mystery. Our God! And it is written:


Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thine whole heart, and with thy whole mind, and with thy whole soul and with all thy strength.


And all creatures, for His sake, as thyself.


These are the two Commandments of Agapé—the whole of the Law and the Prophets, as given through Moses and affirmed by Isa. If one as yet knows little of God so that it seems hard to love Him, then let it be Love under Will! Desire to love Him! Will to love Him! He will reveal Himself!


When this Law has been fulfilled, and only then, can the Mystery of the Great Mother—Nuit—be understood. Only those filled to overflowing by the Plenum can rightly unite with and satisfy Her and understand Her Manifestation.


"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" is the Great Test! On its interpretation and application in your own lives you will be judged. Upon this depends your reward or punishment. Choose ye well, therefore!


Others have erred heretofore.


Yet it is written: "To him that UNDERSTANDETH AT LAST do I deliver the secrets of truth in such wise that the least of the little children of light may run to the knees of the great mother and be brought to Understand. For this Great Mother is MAAT the Lady of TRUTH . . ."


Thus far of MA.


Now of ION.


Had says: "I, Hadit, am the complement of Nu, my bride. I am not extended, and Khabs is the name of my House . . . She shall be known and I never . . . I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star . . . 'Come unto me' is a foolish word: for it is I that go."


An ION is "either of the elements that pass to the poles in electrolysis, a particle of moving matter carrying a unit(ary) charge of positive or negative electricity. From Gk. ion neut. part. of eimi GO".


The electric particle has been broken in this Atomic Age, but Nuit said, before the wording was changed in Liber Legis: "And the sign shall be my ecstasy, the consciousness of the continuity of existence, the unfragmentary non-atomic fact of my unmolestability."


Thus the Virginity of the Aether remains intact, for in it were deposited the Spermatic Logoi by the Plenum from the Beginning of the Manifestation is the history of the filling of the Void by the Plenum. The Void is the Negation of the Whole of the Plenum. The Aether, which is finite, is the substantial basis of Space, which is expansion—and probably the Aether is ever expanding, as the Universe grows in the womb of the Great Virgin Mother of God in Manifestation. This is foreshown in the Book The Anatomy of the Body of God, even as the Aeon of Truth and Justice was foretold in the book Q.B.L., and a new arrangement of the Paths of the Tree given in The Egyptian Revival for use of those who would restore Order in AA.


The beginning of the discoveries relative to this New Aeon, upon which we entered on April 2nd at 1.11 P.M., was made a little before the Vernal Equinox when it was seen that the word MANIFESTATION, which appears in the first and last verses of Liber Legis, Chapter 1, was the "key of the rituals" referred to in Chapter 1 verse 20. It will be seen that the first two letters of this word are MA and the last three ION. The whole word, when rightly used, becomes a Thirteen-fold Star-Diamond which is the true Symbol of this new Manifestation.


The mass of evidence of the overcoming of Chance by Anti-Chance has since then mounted up to realms beyond computation. For the moment you must take my word for it!


Achad 1.06 P.M. Apr 14/48.


(Original and 6 carbons made.)


