Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Karl Germer
14 April 1948 [approximately]
Dear Germer,
Yes I have three boys, 9, 6 and 4, all healthy and promising specimens, most satisfactory for me. IO do feel so strongly about you and Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] getting in direct touch. His Liber 31, which I now have, is first class, and helps enormously to an understanding of Liber Legis, as A.C. himself admitted. I am still more than doubtful of his further revelations; he seems to be having another now; this morning I had three letters from him. But he is a genuine man, his heart is in A∴A∴ and the Order, and even though, as I think, you will both continue to work independently, you should be in touch and fraternal accord. He will not dispute your succession.
My best regards to Jane Wolfe. Achad sent me a charming account by Loveday [Raoul Loveday] of the latter's first week in Cefalù [The Abbey of "Do what thou wilt"]. I have sent it to John [John Symonds] who is incorporating it in his Life.
It has just occurred to me that if Jane Wolfe would care to write her impressions of life at Cefalù, it would help John tremendously. He has some of the magical diaries, but until I turned up two item written by Loveday, he had nothing of the normal life of the occupants, or anything to give him an idea of the atmosphere of the place. There is not for instance a good description of the Temple. I believe there were two small houses, not only one. Small details to bring the place to life are what is wanted. Nothing wanted on A.C.'s magical work, as that is clear from two or three diaries. A description of Leah [Leah Hirsig] would also help, All we have are some of Leah's magical diaries, which stress Leah as the Scarlet Woman. We know little or nothing of Leah as a normal woman, to complete the picture. Can Jane help?
Gerald Yorke.