Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel
Aeon of Truth and Justice.
15 April 1948
To my Two Witnesses Yorke and Handel,
Fellow Stars,
I would have you consider the following facts:
In the old A∴A∴ system based on the "Tree of Life" and the Three Orders, the Mysteries of the Three Supernal Grades were that in Dinah "Sorrow is Joy"; in Chokeman, "Change is Stability"; and in Kether, "Selflessness is Self". But no provision had therein been made for the coincidence of "Chance and Anti-chance".
Nevertheless both Liber Legis and Aleister Crowley gave indications of this. Liber Legis, Chili v.47 says: ". . . for in the chance shape of the letters and their position to one another: in these are mysteries that o Beast shall divine. Let him not seek to try: but one cometh after him, whence I say not, who shall discover the Key of it all".
That was given to A.C. in 1904. But even prior to that, in 1903, Aleister Crowley wrote his essay Berashith in which he affirmed: I ASSERT THE ABSOLUTENESS OF THE QABALISTIC ZERO and concluded that all things happened by Chance In The Equinox Volume I No. 7 he also shows the great "odds" that there were against the discovery of the Stélé of Revealing happening by chance. In this he appears to have been inconsistent. Liber Legis, on the other hand, II.32, clearly says: ". . . there is a factor infinite and unknown". This factor, most modern scientists have agree to call Anti-chance—they are not yet prepared to call it God, for it is not the kind of "God" which has been talked of in popular religions.
Against the assertion of the absoluteness of the Qabalistic Zero and Crowley's "chance", we affirm THE INFINITE PLENUM OF ALL PERFECTION which fills the Qabalistic Void and thus proves that system to have been not alone incomplete but most misleading.
Lecomte du Nouy in his recent book Human Destiny (Longmans, Green & Co., 1947) has well shown, as a scientist, that "Chance is at the same time the foundation of our scientific laws, and the origin of their exceptions". Also he shows that Chance alone cannot account for the origins of human life on this planet. He shows mathematical computations in regard to this.
Therefore, the incoming of the Aeon of Truth and Justice, which displays so clearly a basis in Chance and Anti-chance, is of extreme scientific importance, as well as clearly making obsolete the old system of A∴A∴ which made no provision for this Mystery. This correspondence constitutes the proof. You are the witnesses.
In Unity and Love,